16 apr 20 - My Little Princess / China must Pay ?

Another very warm day.
Worked on some prototypes in the woodwork shop, continued to read "The Twelve" building to a conclusion nicely. Worked on the miniature Stables for the grand kids barbies, well at least thats what Sam tells everyone (she plays with them more than the grandkids!).
Our collaboration on James' piano piece went great you can check it on sound-cloud, My cello is really coming on, as is James' piano, a very talented lad.
In the evening we face-time called the grand daughters, it horrid not seeing them during this bloody lockdown, but its also marvellous to use technology to see them laughing and clowning around, their mum Paige (stepdaughter) is being run ragged! The picture above is Harper and I about 18 months ago.
Tried with no success to pick up some stock market bargains to offset the recent bloodbath all investors suffered, I know it will recover and I dont really need to cash but this damn virus has really a lot to answer for.
Talking of which have IMHO the Chinese authorities. The world has paid a heavy price for them not alerting the world earlier, but what would you expect from a nation built and run entirely on lies. Ive had the misfortune to do business on two extended occasions in China - Shanghai and Beijing - horrid places, dirty and unsanitary. When are we gong to (The west) begin manufacturing things ourselves in order for us to then cease trading with this dictatorship, whose enslaved workforce live in squalid conditions working for 2 dollars an hour. Yes we will have to pay more for our goods, but somethings are worth it. The Chinese arent responsible for this pandemic, but they are responsible for keeping it quiet, they are responsible for there dirty unsanitary hygiene practices (I've seen that for myself), and they are responsible for attempting to hush it up as they do all such things.
President Trumps withdrawal of funding for the WHO is just as ludicrous, Yes the chief exec badly f****d up but a change of leadership - yes ! stopping funding ? no ! But then again Trump is nuttier than a dundee cake at the best of times.
Had another call about our Foster parenting application which seems to be progressing well.
Chatted to Paul Metty Metcalf, hes just taken over the high gate pub, almost immediately prior to the Virus, just his luck, but he'll get some furlough money, such a nice lad and a good pal - I feel this will be the change he needs....
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